Dr. Haibo Qian
Senior Industry Advisor
Dr. Haibo Qian joined the advisory board of BOCG in May 2024. Dr. Haibo Qian is a renowned pharmaceutical industry expert with a Ph.D. in Management and Social Pharmacy from China Pharmaceutical University. He holds the position of Senior Economist and Research Fellow, as well as an adjunct professorship at Nanjing Medical University.

From 1994 to May 2023, Dr. Qian served in various leadership roles within the Sinopharm Pharmaceuticals Group, including investments, sales, human resources, public affairs, and policy affairs. He also held the position of Vice President of the group. Additionally, he served as the Corporate Secretary of Sinopharm's U.S. listed company, overseeing and successfully completing several mergers and acquisitions within the group. Dr. Qian possesses extensive experience in pharmaceutical industry investments, mergers, and restructuring. Following his retirement, Dr. Qian currently serves as a Senior Advisor to Sinopharm Pharmaceuticals Group and Chairman of Nanjing Cornish Biology (appointed by Sinopharm).