Dr. Jixi Li
Senior  Advisor
Dr. Jixi Li  joined BOCG as Senior Advisor since July 2022.  With more than 20 years of experience in research in life sciences, Dr. Li equips BOCG with the knowledge of development and innovation research of the biotech industry.

Dr. Jixi Li is a full professor at the School of Life Sciences at Fudan University and an adjunct professor at Huashan Hospital, Shanghai, in China. He received a bachelor degree from Zhejiang University in 2000 and a Ph.D. from Fudan University in 2006. From 2006 to 2014, he worked as a postdoc researcher at Caltech, Cornell, and Harvard Medical School. He has been a professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics at Fudan University since 2014.

Dr. Li’s lab focuses on the research field of inflammatory cell death and immune responses. He discovered that the RIP1/RIP3 necrosome forms an amyloidal complex and revealed the atomic structure of the RIP1/RIP3 RHIMs. Recently, his lab identified several regulators (TRIM21, TRIM25) of cell pyroptosis and necroptosis, and revealed the MLKL function in Parkinson’s disease. Dr. Li is the chief scientist of the national key R&D program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. He was selected as an outstanding academic leader in Shanghai and a distinguished professor of Shanghai Oriental Scholars.