Rachel Wu
Operation Partner & Chief HR
Ms. Rachel Wu joined BOCG in March 2023  as operation partner and chief human resources consultant to assist Blue Ocean and its portfolio companies in improving their talent planning and building a team of high-quality talent.

Rachel has more than 20 years of comprehensive experience in top talent consulting, human resources planning and finance, with in-depth knowledge of the human resources development of innovative biopharmaceutical and device companies at different stages of development, and has successfully assisted a number of pharmaceutical and healthcare companies in formulating their talent strategies, recruiting executives, and building their talent systems, as well as completing hundreds of senior talent consulting plans. Rachel  is a partner of Tidalwave solutions, in charge of the top talent consulting business in mainland China and used to work at a UK-listed HR consulting firm in Beijing as GM in China.

Rachel holds a Master's degree in Applied Finance and Financial Planning from Monash University in Australia, and is a Certified Financial Planner.